The End of Summer
As we're nearing the end
of summer, rapidly by the way, the mornings are freezing but the
afternoons are hot and the evenings are nice and warm. We need to
change up our looks, it is way to cold in the mornings to leave the
house in just a T-shirt or a dress. You would freeze on your way to
the nearest tube station, trust me been there done that. But only
because the mornings are could we shouldn't give the skirts and
dresses or T-shirts up just yet. We need to Layer. Sounds pretty easy
I know but it can get quite tricky. First of all you should always
bare in mind, that everything you are goinig to take off in the
afternoon you'll eventually will have to carry it around with you for
the rest of the day. ( I've done the mistake of having put on to many
layers. I've ended up carrying two(!!!) jackets around my sightseeing
tour of Munich 2 years ago, that wasn’t any fun). So basically a
nice semi thick jacket or cape will do the job pretty well.
Personally I own quite a lot of semi thick jackets or leather jackets
because they are really practical and you can wear them pretty much
throughout the whole year. It is a staple( duh) . Capes on the other
hand are a lot more versatile, not only style wise but also the way
you use them. A Capes style rage varies from being extremely
canoodely,casual and comfortable to being a chic accessory to pop on
over a dress. But no matter what the occasion is you can wrap
yourself up in it and look trendy. And FunFact you can use them as a
blanket on the plane in the car or wherever you'll feel the need to
take a little nap.
During the next week I'll be creating a lot more autumnal inspired sets on my polyvore page, some of which I'll post on my Blog aswell.
In the mean time check out my polyvore Collection Autumn in which I collected my favourite sets and Looks I created during the same time last year.
xx -JaciSummer
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